What to Consider Before Buying a Fedex Truck
17 Jun


Buyer’s Market FedEx contractor’s team worked with both new FedEx trucks and used FedEx trucks in our operations. We make the most educated choice for our fleets.

We have the data to illustrate how a new truck is an excellent option for routes that are 150 miles per day or less. Why is this the case?

If your route’s daily mileage is between 50 and 150 miles, you can expect to spend about $10,000 per year for maintenance and repair on older vehicles. If you opt for a new vehicle, you can make debt payments instead of carrying repair and maintenance expenses.

If your daily miles average less than 50 dense routes, you have to buy new trucks. Then you will be able to defer high repair and maintenance costs for a long time.

If you choose to buy used trucks for routes with 150 daily miles or more, you have to repair and pay for maintenance quickly, even with newer vehicles. When you buy a new truck for these routes, you will find your operation facing high debt payments in addition to high repair and maintenance costs at the same time.


The professional Buyer’s Market Inc team is one of the most knowledgeable in the related field. Our experts will tell you that they have the most repeat and referral business of any fleet vehicle provider in the country. Buyer’s Market brokers and negotiates the purchase and sale of trucks to help ensure our clients maximize their fleet investment dollars.

When you work with a specialized team in FedEx truck financing, you secure access to superior vendor pricing. For this reason, it can be a huge benefit to have your finance team help you find new fleet vehicles.

Plus, you can use our online resources to do your research on fleet vehicles.


We provide you with the best sources for used FedEx vehicles. You must have a current contractor (with a badge number) to view the listings.

If you are a new contractor in this field and don’t have a badge number yet, you can contact us, and we can walk you through the steps of securing one so you can shop used vehicles.

Our team has a deep selection of used trucks to peruse; however, the navigation feels a bit overwhelming at times, and you need to know what you are looking for before diving in. Firstly do your research and narrow down your options.


We maintain a fleet of trucks and have staff managing revenue, expenses, efficiencies, and scale all day long.

Connect with us one-on-one to get help assessing a business, modeling revenue and expenses or optimizing your day-to-day operation.